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Pengertian Clausa dan macam-macam clausa bahasa inggris

What is clause? 
Clause is a group of words containing a subject and verb. A group of words containing a subject and predicate and functioning as a member of a complex or compound sentence.

Clausa dan macam-macam clausa bahasa inggris

Clause is devided by two types :
1. Independent clause : It contains the main subject and verb of sentence, it is called “ main clause “.

Example : John is my brother.
2. Dependent clause : It must be connected to an independent clause. It is called “ sub clause “.
Example : He is studying english at Uniska.

An adjective clause is a sub clause that modifier a noun.

Example :
·         The boy who opened the window was angry.
( head )          ( modifier )
The boy as a noun
Who opened the window as adjective clause

·         The book which I buy is good.
( head )       ( modifier )
(noun)         (adj clause)
·         The pen which is on the table is mine.
( head )       ( modifier )
                 ( noun )       ( modifier )

In adjectictive clause using relative pronoun as adjective
Who    : relative pronoun as subject is used for people
Which : relative pronoun as subject or object is used for things
Whom : relative pronoun as object is used for people
Whose : relative pronoun as possessive adjective
That     : relative pronoun is used for both of  people and thing

1. Relative pronoun as subject
            Subject : He, She, It, They, I, We, You
Conjunction :
·         Who : person
·         Which : Non person
·         That : All noun

Example :
1.      The man who lives next to me is friendly
2.      Diana who wants visit italy is my roommate
3.      John who was absent yesterday wants to visit Ann
4.      I dislike those boy who are playing badminton now
5.      Meta buys a new bag which is very expensive in the market 

2. Relative pronoun as object
             Object : Him, her it, them , me ,us , you

Conjunction :
·         Whom  : person
·         Which  : non person
·         That     : all noun

Example :
1.      The girl whom I will visit buys a bag
2.      Andy has a good novel which Susan borrowed last night
3.      The boy whom I love is smart boy

3. Relative pronoun as possesive adjective
Possessive adjective : My . . .
                             His . . .
                             Our . . .
                             Her . . .
                             Their . . .
                             Your . . .
                             Its . . .

Conjunction :
·         Whose : all noun
·         Of which : non person

Example :

1.      The man whose car was stolen called the police
2.      I know a girl whose brother is a movie star
3.      The people whose house we bought was friendly

            An adverbial clause is a subclause that is used as adverb
Example :
       Adverb of time
-          When we were in new york, We saw several plays
-          She was talking on the phone , when I arrived
-          The market was renovated when my nephew was born

 Adverb of place
-          The building where he lives is very old
-          I like the place where I am studying English

v  Adverb clause of contrast

            An adverbial clause of contrast is showing direct contrast ‘’ while and whereas’’. While and whereas are used to show dirrect contrast “ this “ exactly the opposite of  “that”.
            While and whereas may be used with the idea of either clause with no difference in meaning. Whereas mostly occurs in formal written english.

Example :
1. Mary is rich, while john is poor
2. I am happy, while she is sad
3. John is poor, while Mary is rich
4. She is sa, while I am happy
5. Marry is rich, whereas john is poor
6. Whereas Mary is rich, John is poor

While is also used in time of clauses and means “ during the time that “.
Example : While I was studying, The phone rang

Using “because” ( Unexpected result )
Because is used to express expected result
Example : Because the weather was cold, I didn’t go swimming
Using “eventhough”
Even though is used to express unexpected result
Example : Eventhough I was not tired, I didn’t go to bed

            A noun clause is a subclause that is used as a noun

Example :
·         I listened to what he said
What he said is a noun clause. It is used as the object of the preposition to.

·         What she did didn’t important for us
What she did is a noun clause. It is used as the subject.