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Studi Pragmatic Bahasa Inggris


            Pragmatics is the study of the context-dependent aspects of meaning which are systematically abstracted away from in construction of “logical for”. Its seeks to characteristic the features of the speech context which help determined which proposition is expressed by given sentence. The meaning of a sentence can be regarded as a functions from a context (including time, place, and possible world) into a proposition, where a propositions is a functions from a possible world into truth value. Pragmatic aspects of meaning involve the interaction between an expression’s context of utterance and the interpretation of elemen within that expression.
According in different definition
-          Pracmatic is the study of speaker meaning
Its concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by speaker and interpreted by listener.

-          Pracmatic is the study of contextual meaning
It involves interpretation of what people mean in a particular context and how the context influences what is said.

-          Pracmatic is the study of how more gets communicated than is said
This type of study explores how great deal of what is unsaid is recognized as part of what is communicated.

-          Pracmatic is the study of the expression of relative distance
On the assumption of how close and distant the listener is speakers determine how much needs be said.


1. Presupposition
            Is necessary condition on the truth or false of statements, restriction on the common ground, the set of propositions constituting the current context. Presupposition is something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an utterance.

Example                      : ”Mary’s brother bought three horses”
Presupposition             - Mary exist
                                    - She has a brother
                                    - She has only one brother
                                    - he has lot of money

Types of Presuppositin

The dog
Your car
Dog exists
You have a car
She didn’t realize he was ill
I am glad that its over
He was ill
Its over
I dreamed that I was rich
He pretended to be happy
I was not rich
He wasn’t happy
He was smoking
He managed to escape
He used to smoke
He tried to escape
When did she leave?
Where did you buy the bike ?
She left
You bought the bike
If you were my friend you would have help me
If I weren’t ill I would have gone to school
You are not my friend

I am ill
2. Implicature
            It means more being communicated than is said. Conversational implicature a meaning or message that is implicated in a conversation. When people oversay (or say more of ) or undersay (say less of ) something, they produce certain extra meaning or meanings beyond the literal meanings of words and sentences. This extra meaning is conversationally dependent, hence conversation implicature.

Conversational Implicature
An implicature may also be seen as an indirect way of expressing oneself.

Example 1
“he is study in Uniska, because of that he is brave and handsome”
In this utterarane, speaker doesn’t tell that the kind of brave and handsome person is a kind of person who study in Uniska, but he is show that there is a relation in that utterane, so the implication menaning is the person who doesn’t study in uniska is ugly.

Example 2
“The coffee is already serve, sir!“
Some people think in that utterance show the coffe is already serve, but the actually meaning is the coffee is already and you can drink it

3. Reference
            Reference is thought as an act in which a speaker, or writer, uses linguistic
forms to enable a listener, or reader, to identify something.

Example :

A : Can I borrow your Shakespeare?
B : Yeah, it’s over there on the table

Context :
One student ask another
Intended referent and inferred referent is not a person, probably a book

A : Where’s the cheese sandwich sitting?
B : He’s over there by the window.

Context :
In a restaurant, one waiter brings the order of food another waiter and
asks him
Referent is person, not the thing

A : Brazil wins World Cup
B : Japan wins first round of trade talks

Context :
News paper headlines
Referent in first one is soccer team, not government
Referent in second one is government, not the soccer team

4. Deixis
Reference by means of an expression whose interpretation is relative to the linguistic context of the utterance, such as who is speaking,to whom, what status does the intereaction partcipants have, what relation do they have, the time or place of speaking, the gestures of the speaker, or the current location in the discourse.
In different source, deixis is a pointing via language

There are three of deixis :
a. Personal Deixis
Personal deixis concerns the encoding of the participants in the speech event in which the utterance in question is delivered.
“She wants to get the best score in the final exam”

b. Time Deixis
Time deixis makes ultimate reference to participant-role, so it is important to distinguish the moment of utterance from the moment of reception
“Tomorrow is Sunday”
“I saw him last week”

c. Place Deixis
Place deixis concerns the encoding of spatial locations relative to the location of the participants in the speech.
“There you go”

5. Speech Act
            Any of the acts that a speaker performs when making an utterance or performing actions via utterance. Speech acts can be command, complaint, invitation, promise, request etc.
Speech acts include :
            1. Locution ( basic on utterance )
            2. Illocution ( particular intention on utterance )
            3 Perlocution ( effect on the hearer )

Example :
“mom, may I ask some money”
Locution : basic act of utterance
Illocution : the speaker want to ask for money
Perlocution : the hearer (mother) will give the speaker money or the other way


- Human mind is creative
- Languages are very powerfull
- This can lead to very contexts, and situations

- Pragmatic play an important role here ( in laguanges )