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Pengertian dan Macam-macam Degree Of Comparison

            Degrees of comparison refers to adjectives being written in different forms to compare one, two or more nouns which are words describing persons, places and things.
            The three different forms of comparison are the positive, the comparative and the superlative. The positive is the form of the adjective that describes one noun. The comparative form of the adjective compares two nouns. The superlative form of the adjective compares more than two nouns.
Macam-macam Degree Of Comparison

            When it is used to express the comparison, positive degree must be used with the word as. Positive degree has a standard form without any changes: big, carefully, difficult,, easy, rich, etc.
Form : as... adjective / adverb...
Example :
·         The task is not as difficult as you imagine. (adjective)
·         He drives as carefully as my father in the residential area. (adverb)

            Comparative comparative adjective and adverb used to compare two things. Adjective or adverb mostly one syllable added the suffix -er, whereas two syllables or more beginning with the word more. Especially for two-syllable adjective with the suffix -y, the suffix is omitted then added -ier. When in the sentence, the degree of comparison is usually accompanied by the word than.
Example :

Degree of Comparison
Contoh Kalimat Comparative Degree
Comparative Adjective
cold-colder, patient-more patient, happy-happier
Your heart is colder than ice.
(Hatimu lebih dingin dari es.)
Comparative Adverb
fast-faster, gently-more gently
I ran faster than you did.
(Saya berlari lebih cepat dari kamu.)


            Superlative adjective or adverb superlative function to compare three or more things. The majority of one syllable added suffix -est, while more than one syllable begins with the word most. As for two-syllable adjective with the suffix -y, the suffix is omitted then added -iest. When in the sentence, the superlative degree preceded by the word.

Degree of Comparison
Contoh Kalimat Superlative Degree
Superlative Adjective
cold-coldest, patient-most patient, happy-happiest
Your heart is the coldest of all.
(Hatimu adalah yang terdingin dari semuanya.)
Superlative Adverb
fast-fastest, gently-most gently
I run the fastest in my class.
(Saya berlari paling cepat di kelas.)